Solar System In Hindi – सौरमंडल के बारे में पूरी जानकारी और रोचक तथ्य

Solar System in Hindi :- इस पोस्ट में सौरमंडल की प्रक्रिया के बारे में जानेंगे। सौरमंडल में कितने ग्रह है। वह ग्रह सूर्य से कितने दुरी पर है? वह ग्रह किससे बने है? हर ग्रह का आकार क्या है? उनका परिवलन और परिक्रमण समय कितना है? और सभी ग्रह की जानकारी। सौरमंडल में एक तारा याने सूर्य, आठ ग्रह याने बुध, शुक्र, पृथ्वी, मंगल, ब्रहस्पती, शनि, अरुण, वरुण और 166 उपग्रह है। सभी ग्रह सूर्य के ग्रुत्वकर्षण के कारन सूर्य के इर्द गिर्द चकर काटते है। सौर प्रणाली की खोज – कोपरनिकस ने की और सौर प्रणाली के गति का नियम केप्लर ने दिया। सूर्य (Sun) सूर्य एक तारा है जो सौरमंडल का सबसे बड़ा तारा है। जिसकी परधी 13,90,000 किलोमीटर है। अगर सूर्य की पृथ्वी के साथ तुलना करे तो पृथ्वी से सूर्य 109 गुना बड़ा है। सूर्य एक गैसिय गोला है 71% हायड्रोजन 26.5% हेलिअम और 2.5% अन्य तत्व है। केंद्र पर हाइड्रोजन के चार नाभिक मिलकर एक हीलियम का नाभिक करता है। इसके केंद्र पर नाभिकीय संलयन क्रिया होती है जो की सूर्य की ऊर्जा का स्त्रोत है। सूर्य के ग्रुत्वकर्षण

Akbar mughal emperor biography in english

Abu'l-Fath Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar 14 October 1542-1605 was the  third Mughal Emper or . He was conceived in Umarkot (presently Pakistan). He was the child of second Mughal Emperor Humayun.    Akbar turned into the by law lord in 1556 at 13 years old when his dad passed on. Bairam Khan was delegated as Akbar's official and boss armed force administrator. Not long after coming to control Akbar vanquished Himu, the general of the Afghan powers, in the Second Battle of Panipat. Following a couple of years, he finished the regime of Bairam Khan and assumed responsibility for the realm. He at first offered fellowship to the Rajputs. Notwithstanding, he needed to battle against certain Rajputs who contradicted him. In 1576 he vanquished Maha Rana Pratap of Mewar in the Battle of Haldighati. Akbar's wars made the Mughal realm more than twice as large as it had been previously, covering the greater part of the Indian subcontinent with the exception of the south. Akbar's rul


List of 200 English Synonyms & Antonyms Most important for Competitive exam NDA AIRFORCE CDS NAVY SSC with Meaning.

if you are looking for how to prepare important antonyms and synonyms questions expected to be asked in NDA AIRFORCE NAVY SSC AND OTHER COMPUTATION E
 Antonyms and synonyms Most important for Competitive and Defence  exam NDA AIRFORCE  CDS SSC with Definition.
Synonyms and Antonyms are very important topics in the English section for any competitive exams and other government exams. Candidates preparing for any government exams like SSC must be thorough with English Synonyms and Antonyms. 

ANTONYMS.      AND.            SYNONYMS

1.ABASH-शर्मिंदा करना Syn: Discourage,confound,embarrass,discompose. Ant: Encourage,uphold,embolden,hearten

2.ABATE-कम करना Syn: Lessen,appease,mitigate,reduce,soothe,mollify,alleviate. Ant: Increase,intensify,amplifies,augment

3.ABANDON-त्याग देना,छोड़ देना Syn: Desert,give up,abdicate,discard,relinquish,isolate. Ant: Carry on, continue,retain

4.ABETTOR-उकसाने वाला,अवप्रेरक Syn: Assistant,accomplice,colleague,associate Ant:Opponent,adversary,antagonist,rival

5.ABHOR-घ्रणा करना Syn:Detest,hate,loathe,abominate,aversion Ant: Love,like,enjoy,admire

6.ABJECT-अधम Syn:Shameful,miserable,degraded,ignoble,mean Ant: Noble,dignified,honorable,prosperous

7.ABSOLVE-पाप,दोष मुक्त Syn:Excuse,pardon,exonerate,exempt Ant: Convict,condemn,imprison,oblige

8.ABSURD-विवेकहीन Syn:Irrational,foolish,nonsensical,silly,stupid Ant:Rational,wise,meaningful,intelligent,prudent

9.ABUNDANCE-अधिकता Syn:Riches,wealth,affluence,bountiful,copiousness Ant:Lack,want,need,poverty,paucity,dearth

10.ACCEDE-स्वीकार करना Syn:Assent,concede,accept,approval Ant:Refuse,reject,disagree,deny,refute

11.ANECDOTAL – उपाख्यानात्मक Synonyms: informal, unreliable, based on hearsay Antonyms: experimental, scientific

12.BAFFLE-चकरा देना Syn: frustrate, perplex Ant:compose, facilitate

13.BARBAROUS-बर्बर Syn:uncivilized, savage Ant:cultured, humane

14.BENEVOLENCE-कृपा Syn: humanity, generosity Ant:malevolence, inhumanity

15.BEWITCHING-मोहित करनेवाला Syn:magical, fascinating Ant:repulsive, repugnant

16.BLEAK-बेरंग Syn:dismal, gloomy Ant: bright pleasant

17.BRITTLE-नाज़ुक Syn:delicate, fragile Ant: tough, enduring

18.BUSTLE-हलचल Syn:haste, flurry Ant:slowness, quiet

19.BUOYED– हँसमुख और आश्वस्त करना

Synonyms: cheer, cheer up, brighten up

Antonyms: depress

20.CALAMITY-आपदा Syn: adversity, misfortune Ant:happiness, fortune

21.CALLOUS-कठोर Syn: obdurate, unfeeling Ant: compassionate, tender

22.CALUMNY-चुगली Syn: defamation, aspersion Ant: commendation, praise

23.CAPABLE-सक्षम Syn: competent, able Ant: incompetent, inept

24.CAPTIVATE-बंदी बनाना Syn: charm, fascinate Ant: disillusion, offend

25.CAPTIVITY-क़ैद Syn: imprisonment, confinement Ant: freedom, liberty

26.CAUCUSES– सभा Synonyms: meeting, assembly, gathering Antonyms: agreement, conformity, entirety

27.CAVITY-गुहा Syn: depth, depression Ant: elevation, projection

28.CEASE-संघर्ष Syn: terminate, desist Ant: begin, originate

29.CHASTE-पवित्र Syn: virtuous, pure Ant: sullied, lustful

30.CHASTISE-दंड देना Syn: punish, admonish  Ant: cheer, encourage

31.COMPASSION-दया Syn: kindness, sympathy Ant: cruelty, barbarity

32.COMPRISE-समावेश करना Syn: include, contain Ant: reject, lack

33.CONFABULATE: बातचीत करना   

Syn: cackle, chat Ant: be silent, be quiet

34.DAINTY-शिष्ट  Syn: elegant, delicate Ant: clumsy, coarse

35.DECAY-क्षय Syn: collapse, decompose Ant: flourish, progress

36.DECEIT-छल Syn: deception, artifice Ant: veracity, sincerity

37.DECIPHER-गूढ़लिपि पढ़ना Syn: interpret, reveal Ant: misinterpret, distort

38.DEDICATE-समर्पित Syn: devote, consecrate Ant: refuse, negate

39.DEFER-विलंब करना Syn: prolong, suspend Ant: accelerate, expedite

40.DEFILE-अशुद्ध Syn: contaminate, pollute Ant: purify, sanctity

41.DEFRAY-चुकाना Syn: spend, pay Ant: disclaim, repudiate

42.DELIBERATE-जानबूझकर Syn: cautious, intentional Ant: rash, sudden

43.DELICIOUS-स्वादिष्ट Syn: palatable, tasteful Ant: distasteful, unsavoury

44.DEMOLISH-ध्वस्त Syn: ruin, devastate Ant: repair, construct

45.DEMUR: आपत्ति Syn: object, protest Ant: accept, agree

46.ECCENTRIC-विलक्षण Syn: strange, abnormal Ant: natural, conventional

47.ECSTASY-परमानंद Syn: delight, exultation Ant: despair, calamity, depression

48.EFFACE-मिटाना Syn: destroy, obliterate  Ant: retain, maintain.

49.EFFICASY – प्रभावोत्पादकता 

Syn: effectiveness, success, successfulness Ant: inefficacy

50.ELEVATE-ऊपर उठाना Syn: dignify, heighten Ant: deprecate, denounce

51.ELIMINATE-हटा दें Syn: expel, oust  Ant: restore, accept

52.ELOQUENCE-वाग्मिता Syn: expression, fluency Ant: halting, stammering

53.ENCUMBRANCE-भार Syn: hindrance, obstacle Ant: incentive, stimulant

54.ENDEAVOUR-एंडेवर Syn: undertake, aspire Ant: cease, quit

55.ENORMOUS-विशाल Syn: colossal, mammoth Ant: diminutive, negligible

56.ENDORSED– पृष्ठांकित Synonyms: allow, approve Antonyms: disallowed, disapproved, discouraged

57.EQUIVOCAL-गोलमोल Syn: uncertain, hazy Ant: obvious, lucid

58.EXIGENT : अत्यावश्यक Syn: urgent, crucial Ant: unpressured, facile

59.FALTER-लड़खड़ाना Syn: stumble, demur Ant: persist, endure

60.HYPOCRISY-पाखंड Syn: deception,affectation Ant: sincerity, honesty

70.FANATICAL-कट्टर Syn: narrow-minded, biased Ant: liberal, tolerant

71.FANTASTIC-बढ़िया Syn: fanciful, uncommon Ant: ordinary, normal

72.FEEBLE-निर्बल Syn: weak, frail Ant: strong, robust

73.FEROCIOUS-क्रूरSyn: cruel, fierce  Ant: gentle, sympathetic

74.FEUD-अदावत Syn: strife, quarrel Ant: fraternity, harmony

75.FLEETING-क्षणभंगुर Syn: transient, temporary Ant: enduring, eternal

76.FLIMSY-झीना Syn: trifling, transparent Ant: firm, tenacious

77.FLUCTUATE-उतार चढ़ाव Syn: deflect, vacillate Ant: stabilise, resolve

78.FORSAKE-त्यागना Syn: desert, renounce Ant: hold maintain

79.GLOOM-उदासी Syn: obscurity, darkness Ant: delight, mirth

80.GLUT-भरमार Syn: stuff, satiate Ant: starve, abstain

81.GORGEOU-भव्य Syn: magnificent, dazzling Ant: dull, unpretentious

82.GRACIOUS-विनीत Syn: courteous,beneficent  Ant: rude, unforgiving

83.GRISLY-भयानक Syn: disgusting,atrocious Ant: pleasing, attractive

84.GRUDGE-असन्तोष Syn: hatred, aversion Ant: benevolence, affection

85.GUILE-छल Syn: cunning, deceit Ant: honesty, frankness

86.HAMPER-बाधा Syn: retard, prevent Ant: promote, facilitate

87.HAPHAZARD-बेतरतीब Syn: random, unsorted Ant: considered, arranged

88.HAPLESS-अभागी Syn: unfortunate,ill-fated Ant: fortunate, lucky

89 HARASS-परेशान Syn: irritate, molest Ant: assist, comfort

90.HAUGHT-अभिमानी Syn: arrogant, pompous Ant: humble, submissive

91.HAZARD-जोखिम Syn: Peril, danger Ant: conviction, security

92.HELON: उपाधि Syn: status, rank Ant:  slope, unemployment

93.HERETIC-विधर्मी Syn: non-conformist,secularist Ant: conformable, religious

94.HIDEOUS-भयंकर Syn: frightful,shocking Ant: attractive, alluring

95.HONE : पैना करना Syn: edge, grind

Ant: blunt, dull

96.IMMACULATE-शुद्ध Syn: unsullied,spotless Ant: defiled, tarnished

97.IMMENSE-अत्यधिक Syn: huge, enormous Ant: puny, insignificant

98.IMMERSE-डुबाना Syn: submerge, involve  Ant: emerge, uncover

99.IMMUNITY-प्रतिरक्षा Syn: prerogative,privilege  Ant: blame, censure

100.JADED-क्लांत Syn: tired, exhausted Ant: renewed, recreated

101.JEJUNE-बेसूद Syn: dull, boring Ant: interesting, exciting

102.JOVIAL-उल्लासपूर्ण  Syn: frolicsome,cheerful Ant: solemn, morose

103.JUBILANT-उल्लसित Syn: rejoicing,triumphant Ant: melancholy, depressing

104.JUNCTURE– समयबिंदु Synonyms: point, point in time, time  Antonyms: advantage, blessing, calm

105.JUSTIFY-दोनों ओर मिलान Syn: defend, exculpate Ant: impute, arraign

106.JUST-केवल Syn: honest, impartial Ant: unequal, unfair

107.JUDICIOUS-उचित Syn: thoughtful,prudent Ant: irrational, foolish

108.JUVENILE-किशोर Syn: young, tender Ant: dotage, antiquated

109.KEEN-इच्छुक Syn: sharp, poignant Ant: vapid, insipid

110.KINDRED-आत्मीय Syn: relation, species Ant: unrelated, dissimilar

111.KNAVE-धूर्त Syn: dishonest,scoundrel Ant: paragon, innocent

112.KNELL-समाधिवाली झंकार Syn: death knell, lastblow Ant: reconstruction, rediscovery

113.KNOTTY-विकट Syn: complicated, difficult Ant: simple, manageable

114.LAVISH-भव्य Syn: abundant,excessive Ant: scarce, deficient

115.LAX-ढीला Syn: slack, careless Ant: firm, reliable

116.LENIENT-उदार  Syn: compassionate, merciful Ant: cruel, severe

117.LIABLE-उत्तरदायी Syn: accountable, bound Ant: unaccountable, apt to

118.LIBERAL-उदार Syn: magnanimous,generous Ant: stingy, malicious

119.LINGER-ठहराना Syn: loiter, prolong  Ant: hasten, quicken

120.LISTLESS-उदासीन Syn: indifferent,inattentive Ant: brisk, attentive

121.LAUNDED– प्रशंसा करना Syn: praise, extol, hail Ant: condemn, criticize

122.MINUTE-मिनट Syn: diminutive,miniature Ant: large, colossal

123.MIRACULOUS-चमत्कारपूर्ण Syn: marvellous,extraordinary Ant: ordinary, trivial

124.MTIGATE-कम करना Syn: alleviate, relieve Ant: augment, enhance

125.MODEST-मामूली Syn: humble, courteous Ant: arrogant, pompous

126.MOLEST-छेड़ना  Syn: harass, tease Ant:  console, soothe

127.NONCHALANT-बेपरवाह Syn: indifferent,negligent Ant: attentive, considerate

128.NIGGARDLY-कंजूसी से Syn: miser, covetous Ant: generous, profuse

129.NIMBLE-तेज़ Syn: prompt, brisk Ant: sluggish, languid

130.NEGLIGENT-लापरवाह Syn: inattentive,careless Ant: vigilant, careful

131.NOVICE-नौसिखिए Syn: tyro, beginner Ant: veteran, ingenious

132.NUDGE : प्रोत्साहित Syn: prompt, encourage Ant: discourage, dissuade

133.OBSTRUCT-रोकना Syn: impede, prevent Ant: hasten, encourage

134..OBVIOUS-ज़ाहिर Syn: evident, apparent Ant: obscure, ambiguous

135.OCCULT-मनोगत  Syn: latent, ambiguous Ant: intelligible, transparent

136.ODIOUS-घिनौना Syn: malevolent,obnoxious Ant: engaging, fascinating

137.OFFENSIVE-आक्रमण Syn: abhorrent,arrogant Ant: docile, compliant

138.PAMPER-संतुष्ट करना Syn: flatter, indulge Ant: deny, disparage

139.PARAMOUNT-आला दर्जे का Syn: foremost, eminent  Ant: trivial, inferior

140.PEERLESS-अद्वितीय Syn: matchless,unrivalled Ant: mediocre, commonplace

141.PEEVISH-चिड़चिड़ा Syn: perverse, sullen Ant: suave, amiable

142.PERTNESS-Pertness Syn: flippancy,impudence Ant: modesty, diffidence

143.PLAUDIT: प्रशंसा Syn: acclamation, commendation Ant: vilification, criticism

144.QUACK-नीमहकीम Syn: impostor, deceiver Ant: upright, unfeigned

145.QUAINT-विचित्र Syn: queer, strange Ant: familiar, usual

146.QUARANTINE-कोरांटीन Syn: seclude, screen Ant: befriend, socialize

147.QUELL-वश में करना Syn: subdue, reduce Ant: exacerbate, agitate

148.QUESTIONABLE-संदिग्ध Syn: dubious,disputable Ant: reliable, authentic

149.RATIFY-पुष्टि करना Syn: consent, approve Ant: deny, dissent

150.RAVAGE-नाश Syn: destroy, ruin Ant: reconstruct, renovate

151.REDEEM-एवज Syn: recover, liberate Ant: conserve, lose

152.REMNATE-अवशेष Syn: residue, piece Ant: entire, whole

153.REMONSTRATE-प्रतिवाद करना Syn: censure, protest Ant: agree, laud

154. REPUGNANT-प्रतिकूल

SYn: abhorrent, repulsive Ant: appealing, desirable

154.RETALIATION – प्रतिका

Syn: revenge, vengeance, reprisal

Ant: forgiveness, pardon, sympathy

155.SARCASTIC-कटु Syn: ironical, derisive Ant: courteous, gracious

156.SAUCY-सजीव Syn: impudent, insolent Ant: modest, humble

157.SCANTY-अल्प Syn: scarce,insufficient Ant: lavish, multitude

158.SHABBY-जर्जर  Syn: miserable,impoverished Ant: prosperous, thriving

159.SHREWD-चालाक Syn: cunning, crafty Ant: simple, imbecile

160.TABOO-निषेध Syn: prohibit, ban Ant: permit, consent

161.TACITURN-अल्पभाषी  Syn: reserved, silent Ant: talkative, extrovert

162.TEDIOUS-ग़ैरदिलचस्प Syn: wearisome, irksome Ant: exhilarating, lively

163.TEMPERATE-शीतोष्ण Syn: cool, moderate Ant: boisterous, violent

164.THRONG-भीड़ Syn: assembly, crowd  Ant: dispersion, sparsity

165.UMBRAGE-साया Syn: resentment,bitterness Ant: sympathy, goodwill

166.UNCOUTH-गंवार Syn: awkward,ungraceful Ant: elegant, graceful

167.UNIMPEDED : बेरोक Syn: unobstructed, unhampered Ant: limited, restrained

168.USURP-हड़पना Syn: seize, wrest Ant: restore, compensate

169.UTTERLY-बिलकुल Syn: completely,entirely Ant: deficiently, incompletely

170.VAGRANT-आवारा Syn: wanderer, roaming Ant: steady, settled

171.VALID-मान्य Syn: genuine, authentic Ant: fallacious, deceptive

172.VALOUR-वेलर Syn: bravery, prowess Ant: fear, cowardice

173.VANITY-घमंड Syn: conceit,pretension Ant: modesty, humility

174.VENERABLE-आदरणीय Syn: esteemed, honoured Ant: unworthy, immature

175.WAIVE-माफ़ करें Syn: relinquish, remove Ant: impose, clamp

176.WAN-वान Syn: pale, faded Ant: bright, healthy

177.WANE-पतन Syn: decline, dwindle Ant: ameliorate, rise

178.WARY-सावधान Syn: cautious,cirumspect Ant: heedless, negligent

179.WED-विवाह करना Syn: marry, combine Ant: divorce, separate

180.WICKED-शैतान Syn: vicious, immoral Ant: virtuous, noble

181.WINNOWED– खोजें या पहचानें

Synonyms: isolate, sort out, find

Antonyms: open, lay open, put in

182.WOO: समर्थन माँगना  Syn: chase, pursue Ant: deter, affront

183.YEARN-हुड़कना Syn: languish, crave Ant: content, satisfy

184.YELL-चिल्लाना Syn: shout, shriek Ant: whisper, muted

185.YIELD-प्राप्ति Syn: surrender,abdicate Ant: resist, protest

186.YOKE-दासत्व का चिह्न Syn: connect, harness Ant: liberate, release

187.ZEAL-उत्साह Syn: eagerness, fervour Ant: apathy, lethargy

188.ZENITH-शीर्षबिंदु Syn: summit, apex Ant: nadir, base

189.ZEST-दिलचस्पी Syn: delight,enthusiasm Ant: disgust, passive

190. COMPLEX (ADJECTIVE): (जटिल): complicated

Synonyms: involved, intricate

Antonyms: simple

Example Sentence:It was a complex task of regenerating Docklands.

191. DEMOLITION (NOUN): (विध्वंस): destruction

Synonyms: knocking down, flattening

Antonyms: construction

Example Sentence:The monument was saved from demolition.

192. NEGLIGENCE (NOUN): (लापरवाही): carelessness

Synonyms: lack of care, dereliction of duty

Antonyms: conscientiousness

Example Sentence:His injury was due to the negligence of his employers.

193. DIGNITY (NOUN): (गरिमा): nobility

Synonyms: majesty, regality

Antonyms: informality

Example Sentence:He bowed in front of God with great dignity.

194. INDUCE (VERB): (कारण बनना): cause

Synonyms: produce, effect

Antonyms: prevent

Example Sentence: 

None of these measures induced a change of policy.

195. CURB(VERB): (अंकुश लगाना): restrain

Synonyms: hold back, keep back

Antonyms: release

Example Sentence:She promised she would curb her temper.

196. SPLENDID (ADJECTIVE): (शानदार): magnificent

Synonyms: sumptuous, grand

Antonyms: modest

Example Sentence:The view of the HawaMahal was splendid.

197. PINNACLE (NOUN): (शिखर): peak

Synonyms: height, summit

Antonyms: nadir

Example Sentence:He had reached the pinnacle of his career.

198. LAX (ADJECTIVE): (बेपरवाह): slack

Synonyms: slipshod, negligent

Antonyms: stern

Example Sentence:Never let go of that privacy or be lax with your security.

199. INDEFINITELY (ADVERB): (अनिश्चित काल के लिए): sine die

Synonyms: forever, for good

Antonyms: temporarily

Example Sentence:Talks cannot go on indefinitely. 

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